Email Marketing

project tags:

client: Various Clients
made working under: Hey! Digi Marketing*
year: 2023
platform: Klaviyo
additional images - click to enlarge

project description:

over the years, I’ve had the privelege of working on email marketing for a wide variety of clients with very different needs, some of which I also helped out with designing their websites. here’s a snapshot of the different types of email content I’ve been able to work on:

  • weekly newsletter emails: often included links to articles or videos; great for professional coaching or content creators
  • weekly sales emails: great for ecommerce businesses to recapture and keep customers’ attention and to boost sales
  • abandoned cart emails: automated emails that would be sent to users who started the checkout process on an ecommerce website but did not finish it. this can help save some of those potentially lost sales.
  • email series/sequences: email series often go out over several days with pieces of related content. for example, someone signs up to receive “6 ways to improve your business” and then will receive an email with a different tip each day for 6 days. this is a great way to get someone in the door to receive email marketing from you, especially if they are new to you and your business.
  • discount code emails: everybody loves getting a discount. there are so many ways to deliver a discount code email: as a welcome for signing up for your mailing list, inside of an abandoned cart email to encourage the sale, as a reward for long-term followers

*All works presented in this portfolio that were created while employed by other companies are the intellectual property of those respective companies. The projects showcased here are intended for demonstration purposes only and do not imply ownership, authorization, or endorsement by the previous employers.