Career Tracks
client: Career Tracks
made working under: Hey! Digi Marketing*
year: 2024
platform: Wordpress
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project description:
Career Tracks is a business leadership training organization, founded by seasoned leadership training coach Tessa Tubbs. Career Tracks hosts a variety of business leaderships training resources as well as a bi-weekly podcast, ‘Empowering the Leaders of Tomorrow, Today’.
with Career Tracks’ already establish brand guidelines, designing the site was simple and straightforward. the website hosts three main areas for visitors: a blog, a podcast feed, and downloadable resources such as an ebook and pdf visual guides that correspond with episodes of the podcast.
visit site >*All works presented in this portfolio that were created while employed by other companies are the intellectual property of those respective companies. The projects showcased here are intended for demonstration purposes only and do not imply ownership, authorization, or endorsement by the previous employers.